
Welcome to Insanic’s Documentation. Insanic is framework to make your life easier when developing for a microservice architecture pattern. Insanic extends Sanic, a Python 3.6+ web server and web framework that’s written to go fast. Although Sanic lays down the basics of a server, we needed a little more in terms of easier and smoother service integration. A framework that allowed developers to concentrate on the business logic without the need to fret over minor details when considering and deploying a fully functioning application in a production environment.

Since the initial goal of this framework was deployment into a microservice system, most features were for the simplification of development, communication with another service, or for helping with the automation of deploying the Insanic based application.


This project’s inception was when I was working for my former employer. We were tasked with migrating a legacy monolithic application, written with Django 1.6 and Python 2.7, to a fully microservice based system in a limited time frame.

We only had a handful of Python developers to achieve this task, so we needed a framework to rapidly migrate business logic. As a result, most design decisions were based on my experience with Django and Django REST Framework. Anyone planning to use Insanic will recognize similarities in certain parts of the framework.


Because this largely based on Sanic, for the basics, you should have prior working knowledge of Sanic. Please refer to Sanic’s Documentation for more information.


Insanic only supports Sanic version 19.12 and forward. Plan is to only support the previous major updates but is subject to change.


Indices and tables