Request Object

Apart from the request attributes provided by Sanic’s request object, Insanic Request Class creates additional attributes with a lot of inspiration from Django REST Framework, especially for authentication.

Extra Attributes

Request Parsing


    Like with Django REST Framework, data provides the parsed content of the request body. It includes all data including file and non-file inputs without needing to worry about the content-type.

  • request.query_params

    An alias for Sanic’s request.args, it includes all the query parameters in the request.


  • request.user:

    Depending on the authentication class declared in the class views, this will return an User object or be an instance of AnonymousUser. Like with Django REST Framework, authentication is done lazily. First access will evaluate if the request is from a authenticated user.

    View the insanic.models for more information.

  • request.service

    If the request is from another contracted service(i.e. another Insanic service), request information about the requested service is accessible with this attribute.

See Also…