
Settings for Insanic differ a lot from sanic’s config pattern. While implementing with Sanic, I found the need to access the settings from modules where the sanic application object was not accessible.

Thus, the settings object in insanic takes a lot from Django’s settings configuration where the settings object is a single instantiated settings object that can be imported and accessed anywhere.

In addition to Sanic’s config object, where it is usually instantiated and attached to sanic’s application instance, the settings object in insanic is lazy loaded while also, for compatibility with Sanic, is also attached to the application (i.e. app.config).


There are a couple ways to initialize settings. In all methods, the default global settings gets initialized.

Settings Priority

The settings are processed in this order:

  1. Sanic’s DEFAULT_CONFIG.

  2. SANIC_PREFIX environment variables.

  3. Insanic’s global_settings (:code:insanic.conf.global_settings)

  4. Service configs loaded from INSANIC_SETTINGS_MODULE environment variable

  5. INSANIC_PREFIX environment variables, without the prefix.

Any settings defined in subsequent steps will replace any existing values.

For example, if you have SPEED="fast" defined in your settings module and you also have INSANIC_SPEED=insanely in your environment variable, the final value will be ‘insanely`.

Simple Configuration

This must be used before the settings have been initialized. Use this if you don’t have many settings and/or in tests.

from insanic.conf import settings

General Configuration

Most people will want to load their settings with this method.

Create a file in your project that will hold your application settings.

# in
# you can replace default global configuration values here too
SPEED = "great"
# and any other settings for your application

Now when you run your application make sure you have INSANIC_SETTINGS_MODULE=example.config in your environment variables (Assuming your application is example)


from insanic.conf import settings

This is how the settings should be imported and should be available anywhere within your application.

To use the defined settings.

>>> settings.SPEED

Loading settings from Environment

To load settings from environment variables, the environment variables must be prefixed with a prefix. The default prefix is INSANIC_.

export INSANIC_SPEED="medium"

and to use the settings:

from insanic.conf import settings


See Also

Take a look at the Global Settings for a complete list of global config values used in Insanic.