
Insanic provides the same loggers as Sanic so please review Sanic’s Logging Documentation.

However, there are a few differences.

  1. JSONFormatter for JSON output.

    This is mainly for sending log messages to external log aggregation stacks or services.

    If you need the JSON formatted logs, set LOG_TYPE=json in your environment.

  2. Much more verbose JSON output.

    Default JSON output is:

        "level": "%(levelname)s",
        "hostname": "%(hostname)s",
        "where": "%(module)s.%(funcName)s",
        "ts": "%(asctime)s",
        "request": "%(request)s",
        "message": "%(message)s",
        "status": "%(status)d",
        "size": "%(byte)d",
        "name": "%(name)s",
        "thread": "%(thread)s",
        "process": "%(process)s",
        "thread_name": "%(threadName)s",
        "service": "%(service)s",
        "environment": "%(environment)s",
        "insanic_version": "%(insanic_version)s",
        "application_version": "%(application_version)s",
        "request_duration": "%(request_duration)s",
        "correlation_id": "%(correlation_id)s",
        "exc_text": "%(exc_text)s",
        "request_service": "%(request_service)s",
        "error_code_name": "%(error_code_name)s",
        "error_code_value": "%(error_code_value)s",
        "method": "%(method)s",
        "path": "%(path)s",
        "uri_template": "%(uri_template)s",
  3. Control Log Levels with environment variables

    The root and sanic.error loggers are configurable with the INSANIC_LOG_LEVEL environment variable. Default is INFO.

    Also, the log level for sanic.access can be configured with the INSANIC_ACCESS_LOG_LEVEL environment variable. Default is also INFO.